How do I cancel my subscription?

To cancel your subscription to our app, follow these steps:

If you have subscribed in the Apple App Store:

Open the App Store app

Click your avatar icon

Select "Subscriptions

Select the app

At the bottom of the page, select “Unsubscribe”. If you don't have an active “Cancel” button, this means that your subscription has already been canceled and will not be renewed.

If you purchased a subscription through Google Play:

On your Android device, open Google Play

Select "Menu"

Select "Subscriptions

Choose the app

Select "Unsubscribe"

Follow the instructions

If you purchased a subscription on the website:

Contact the support team at and create a request to cancel your subscription. Be sure to include your email address that you used while subscribing to the app.

If you cancel the subscription, you will be able to use it within the period it is paid for.

You must cancel at least 24 hours before the next charge.
